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Audition Information

A Fable for Now

Synopsis - A Mandarin play by Wei Yu-Chia; winner of the Taiwan Literature Prize, 2014. In seven scenes, the world ends again and again, for any number of reasons: environmental collapse, war, government incompetence, unrestrained capitalism. Navigating this chaos are a panda, a polar bear and a duck, not to mention a genetically-modified chicken and a couple of humans. How can we coax meaning and happiness out of our brief time on this dying planet? When the dust settles, only one human being is left alive in the world -- but is he blessed or cursed to have survived?


This production will be performed in Mandarin! We welcome everyone who is comfortable and confident in speaking Mandarin as the performance language.


Performance Dates - April 7th-8th


Auditions - 

Thursday (02/02): 6-8PM in Fisk 312

Friday (02/03): 2-5PM in Fisk 312

Saturday (02/04): 12-3PM in Fisk 312


Actors need to prepare -


Self prepared monologue (up to the actor's choice)

Cold script reading/performing


Audition Form linked here!

Sign-Up Sheet Coming Soon!


If you have any questions, reach out to directors Scarlett ( or Echo (

Leave if No Response

Synopsis - Two queer Jewish women come of age together, then lose touch. They live haunted by "what if?" We watch Mira and Ariel go through middle school together and confront their individual creeping suspicions that they are queer. After Ariel comes out, the two grow apart. In Act II, they are living different but parallel lives that intersect in uncanny ways. They meet again at shiva for Mira's mom and almost reconnect. Throughout, there are dream sequences that draw out the different "what if" questions the two are struggling with.


Performance Dates - April 14th-16th


Auditions - 

Tuesday (01/31): 7-9PM in TST001

Wednesday (02/01): 4-6PM in TST001

Thursday (02/02): 7-9PM in TST001


Actors need to prepare a monologue (your go-to or a new one) or a story (one that you tell to get a laugh or tear) to get a feel for their performance style.


Audition Form linked here

Audition Sign-Ups linked here


If you have any questions, reach out to Talia (

Follow @leaveifnoresponse on Instagram!

SMAC: Farewell to Butts D

Synopsis -

SMAC: Farewell to Butts D is a student-written satirical musical about Wesleyan! It follows the paths of five typical Wesleyan students navigating fake fraternities, tyrannical plots to take over the school, and natural disasters in the Butts. If you love comedy, musicals, or student theater, we would love to have you! 

Actors need to prepare a verse and chorus from a song of their choosing, ideally in a musical theater style. They may sing a cappella or bring their own instrumental/karaoke track to sing along with. Actors will also be asked to read one of these sides. We’re not looking for specific characters, just ability to make choices within a script. 


Performance Dates -  April 21st - 22nd


Auditions - 

Tuesday (01/31): 6-9PM in TST114

Wednesday (02/01): 6-9PM in TST114


More audition information and sign-up linked here!


If you have any questions, reach out to Henry (

Follow @wes.smac on Instagram!

Twelfth Night

Synopsis - Viola, separated from her twin Sebastian, dresses as a boy and works for the Duke Orsino, whom she falls in love with. Orsino is in love with the Countess Olivia, and sends Viola to court her for him, but Olivia falls for Viola instead. Sebastian arrives, causing a flood of mistaken identity, and marries Olivia. Viola then reveals she is a girl and marries Orsino.


Performance Dates - April 27th-29th


Auditions - 

Monday (01/30): 5-8PM in Boger 113

Tuesday (01/31): 5-8PM in Boger 113


More audition information and sign-up linked here!


If you have any questions, reach out to Kieran (

Follow @twelfthnightwes on Instagram!

Dance Nation

Synopsis - Somewhere in America, an army of pre-teen competitive dancers plots to take over the world. And if their new routine is good enough, they'll claw their way to the top at Nationals in Tampa Bay. A play about ambition, growing up, and how to find our souls in the heat of it all.


Performance Dates - April 28th-29th


Auditions -

Wednesday (02/01): 4:15-7PM in Boger 113

Thursday (02/02): 4:15-7PM in Boger 113


Audition information linked here!


If you have any questions, reach out to Hadassa ( or Vincent (

Aubrey's Pencil Box

Synopsis - "Aubrey's Pencil Box" (written by Lanks!) is a musical that follows the lives of 10 colored pencils, each with personalities that correlate to their colors in some way. Sky blue is the favorite colored pencil. But in this world, favor is both a gift and a curse. As the artist’s favorite, Sky’s days are rapidly coming to an end. Grappling with impending mortality, the other pencils gather together to help recount her fondest memories of pictures she’s drawn with the artist. The other pencils look at her in envy, pity, or a combination of the two as she spends what she believes to be her final days telling vivid stories of her favorite drawings, all the time she got to be a tool for the artist’s creative genius, as well as the fond moments she had with her complementary, analogue, and triadic counterparts. Among other things, "Aubrey's Pencil Box" is an exploration of memory through the art that the pencils have been used to create. All the characters have distinct personalities and perspectives on the brevity of life. The show asks the question: Is a life lived short and in love better than a life lived long but in neglect? Is the artist’s favor a gift or a curse?


This is a thesis written by Lanks, a graduate student in the Music Department!


Performance Dates - April 28th-29th in the '92 Theater


Auditions - 

Friday (01/27): 6-9PM in Boger 112

Saturday (01/28): 6-9PM in Boger 112


Audition Form linked here!

Audition Sign-Up linked here!


If you have any questions, reach out to Lanks (

Follow @aubreyspencilbox on Instagram!

Fun Home

Synopsis - Alison Bechdel, a 43-year old lesbian cartoonist, is looking back at her life as she prepares to write a graphic novel memoir. The show revolves between three time periods, Al at around 10 years old, as a freshman in college, and at 43 putting the graphic novel together. The show focuses on Alison's relationship with her father, a closeted gay man, coming out and understanding herself as a butch lesbian, and her family dynamics.


Performance Dates - May 5th-6th in the '92 Theater


Auditions -

Monday (02/06): 6-8PM in TST114

Tuesday (02/07): 6-8PM in TST114

Wednesday (02/08): 6-8PM in TST114


Audition form linked here!

Audition Sign-Up linked here!


If you have any questions, reach out to Sof (

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