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Required Production Checkpoints
Spring 2024


  • First full team gathering/production meeting

    • All actors and directors/choreographers should be in attendance

    • Read the Spike Tape Bill of Rights out loud 

    • Wellbeing Board liaison introduces themselves as a resource

  • Preliminary Tech Meeting - third week of rehearsals (week of February 19th)

    • The Tech Director assigned to each production will be invited to a production meeting to go through technical needs and establish what needs to be requested, go through any technical constraints, etc

    • Preliminary outline for how the space will be used and what major technical elements are needed (must be pitched at this point and they will not be allowed to add more later). No fundamental changes to the show plan after this point. 

    • Checking in with directors, discussing if anything needs to be worked on in the rehearsal process

  • Budget Deadline - at least four weeks before opening night

    • The Financial Manager will be invited to a production meeting to go through the proposed budget and ensure there are no issues with the proposal

    • This does not have to include everything needed in the budget, but it must include the essential parts of the budget, as we cannot guarantee that the budget will be approved in time for tech week if received after this deadline

  • Pre-Tech Check-In - at least two weeks before the first day of tech

    • The Tech Director assigned to each production will be invited to a production meeting to solidify tech plans so that finalized equipment checkout and other important information can be sent to the '92 Venue Manager​

  • Ticketing and Publicity Deadline - two weeks before opening night

    • DSM team must fill out ticketing form and be in contact with the House Manager about ushers

    • DSM team must send the Publicity Manager a graphic to be posted to the Spike Tape Instagram

  • Post-Mortem and Reimbursements - within one week of closing night

    • Wellbeing Board liaison facilitates post mortem meeting, as many production members as possible in attendance

    • Receipts must be sent to the Financial Manager so that you can be reimbursed for purchases

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